Welcome to Advaith International Academy

Journalism Club

Advaith provides to be journalists a platform to learn more apart from their academics. It allows students to experience a variety of journalism types and to gain real experience that not only looks good on a resume but can build confidence for any journalistic career. There are two classes of journalism that the club can aid our students in learning: print journalism and photojournalism. Within these classes, there are specific areas of specialty that can be incorporated into a journalism club: investigative, news, reviews, columns, and feature. Students involved in print journalism can use a newspaper to gain real-world experience. They can write about school events or even local events. Students can conduct interviews with teachers, administrators, and fellow students (as well as people in the community). They can learn how to do proper research into facts, verifying facts, and looking for resolutions to contradictory facts. A photojournalist is often paired with a print journalist. However, a photojournalist is often responsible for telling the story in pictures. Pictures are indeed worth a thousand words, and the right photo goes a long way in generating specific emotions in viewers. Think of some of the more iconic images in history: the soldiers raising the flag on Iwo Jima, the sailor randomly gabbing and kissing a nurse upon his return home after the war, or the flag that firefighters hung on a twisted steel beam of the twin towers, the building a pile of rubble behind it. This is what photojournalists do. They capture the moment in the image. Their images can tell a story.

A newspaper club gives students the change to capture these moments at school. They can learn to have an eye for these moments, to capture them, and to present them in print. Students will enjoy fun and exciting activities while also learning practical journalism, research, interviewing, and writing skills to last a lifetime. In line with the Journalism code of conduct, the club will not take any sides in hostilities or engages at any time in controversies of political, racial, or ideological nature. The objectives of this club are to inform, educate, and entertain Advaithians through informative and constructive activities, to promote cohesion and integration among its members and Advaithians at large, to promote journalism ethics and professionalism amongst its members. At Advaith School in Hosur’s Journalism Club which can also be called as Media Club, our objective is to inspire a new generation of digital journalists and create a diverse and inclusive media workforce, which truly reflects the society we live in. We believe it is essential for students to learn journalism skills from an early age. We provide the necessary tools and resources to incorporate more journalism education. We connect students with journalists and volunteers who want to share their passion for journalism in their own communities. Advaith School in Hosur offers professional journalism club to nurture their creative media skills.


Journalism Club’s mission is to bring more journalism education into the classroom, give every child the opportunity to learn journalism skills, and to influence the use of social media for disseminating factual, not fake, news and information.

What We Do :

  • Introduce more journalism education into the classroom
  • Teach emotional and mental health / well-being; and life and career skills
  • Connect students with professional journalists who want to share their passion for journalism in their own communities
  • Teach young people about the career paths that are available in the media industry
  • Encourage young people to develop critical thinking skills.
  • Nurture journalistic skills

Students are empowered to develop own path in journalism and learn how sports, business, communications, politics, education and marketing all utilise elements of journalism. Advaith helps them gain trust of audiences through ethical, and responsible, journalistic practices and offer workshops of various lengths covering the following subjects:

  • News, sports and feature writing
  • Mobile journalism
  • Media law
  • Podcasting
  • Social media reporting and verification
  • Writing for the web
  • Writing for broadcasting
  • Photography
  • Video editing
  • Audio editing